As ‘ I ‘ Look Back on This… Never ‘ A ‘ True Word Spoken.
Originally shared by cheyenne Flexrecords
Note ; ” M a n o r B e a s t “
– W a k e – U p –
It is important to know who the people are that are designing our lives and futures,
especially if they come from a lineage of hate and destruction, and how the then
belief system of their lineage is presently affecting us.
You are being poisoned by the fluoride and chemicals in the water
as they are reducing the IQ’s of you and your children, cancer rates are off the charts,
your TV’s and cell phones privacy are compromised,as millions are losing their
homes & retirement funds,,, As the 2015 Bilderberg Group are meeting in Europe
to discuss banning the use of cash among other things (Note ; see Alex Jones on this) The bottom line is it doesn’t matter if Aleister Crowlery taught a philosophy of
do whatever thy will, want, or wilt.
His philosophy and belief system was pure adulterated rubbish, and will diminish
as we awaken to the cruel intentions of his progeny and the world of his design.
To all those that don’t believe in God but believe in him everything that he designed
for us was designed for you as well. In the end he faded into the oblivion in which
he lived
C h e y e n n e