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Company+ Freelancer And = Client!


( Disclaimer ) – FEBRUARY 22 2020

Under no circumstance does this topic apply to all women! I am here today from riding the backs of inspirational women. It is rather an honest conversation educating and informing us of the changes happening as we are left to email instead of talking to one another, trivializing our own lives by giving-up the communication that made us not only human but thriving, left too! the political correctness and self-censoring!

( Special Note)

There is emerging superficiality in companies protecting their client’s best interest. Their mediation limited, to there’s nothing we can do. As well as you may find yourself talking to someone in another country, with a dialect problem. The customer is right ‘ No ‘ longer applicable to the term”Me” generation, of indifference under the guise of helping. Research the Companies’ policies and background on how they treat their clients. there is also the issue of women hiring women. I refer to as the” Queen Bee “syndrome, by hitting a wall of indifference, in the form of handling your Companies agenda too! succeed, over to a woman’s control and may need to look for other solutions. When I am dealing with a woman as a client ‘I’ keep my ego in check being cognizant of how to present her and the companies image by standing back and listening. This is not a matter of the old boys club, in keeping women out as men used to do. Rather it’s choosing who will best represent me, not all men will hear you as well, a sense of cohesiveness, attitude and approach are detrimental to building a great relationship you can trust, with women my experience, has been on a case by case basis. The successful woman I have known has ‘No’ problem stating, there’s only one “QUEEN BEE” to a hive!  In the future, you hear, that I didn’t like women. Don’t believe the hype. ‘ I ‘ have “No” problem lifting women, However, if they circumvent my ideas for their ego gratification and monetary gain, over my vision. A male replacement is not out of the equation! ‘NO’ apology, needed, given, or received. nor self-censoring!  2020 


Freelancer Noted, Please consider me for the project. It is the kind I enjoy doing and excel at. But when the time came you pre-judged and at the last instant, did not show up, and left a text said everything about integrity! The only reply is…………………………NEXT! I Only Look For Those That Are Looking For…….. Me!…….. Never Running  After Anyone That Couldn’t or Wouldn’t Do The Same.

 Dream And The Journey Are One!

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