Note ; I s i t a P a r t y + R o o m + o r B a r

Note ; I s i t a P a r t y + R o o m + o r B a r
A l l T h e A b o v e
This is what i’m always referring to as the public living room, with that bridge above I would add a glass floor, for entertaining different levels give a dramatic feel to a room.along with a changing lighting scenario, at the wall facing the couch I would have a huge
projection screen, they look fantastic along with music
I can see a huge crowd at the bar and enjoying all aspects of this room.
Just add a his & her power rooms and you don’t have people tracing all over the house looking for one, the (2) his & hers power rooms
will help keep the line down to a minimum.
my motto is think of all details needed for a space, and have fun
– Cheyenne –
Originally shared by alex mugereki
Great lighting #lightingdesign