((( T h e – A w a k e n i n g )))







To them is the bottom of an endless pit of hell itself

Be cautious of what you take or bring back into yourself

Originally shared by L G

NAA Promotes Drug Use

The NAA promote substance abuse in all of its forms in order to gain full control over the human body, especially the bio-neurology, sexual organs and brain waves. The increased spreading of an assortment of recreational drugs, such as synthetic Marijuana and genetically modified marijuana products, have severe impacts to bio-neurological functioning, which also impairs Executive Function and decision making abilities.

Once the NAA or Imposter Spirits are involved in the promotion of drug use in a human being who is unaware of the Mind Control influence made upon their emotional state, thoughts and cravings, these continued destructive behaviors easily lead into full blown Addiction. Addicts lose their Inner Directional Compass and thus they have very poor Discernment, and lack the clarity required to comprehend or properly assess their environments. This combination makes it easy to trick, deceive and hijack that person’s lightbody, Brain Waves and belief systems. This is why addicts generally have the worst profile of carrying energetic parasites, attachments and spiritual oppressions, as their energy field is weakened by the addictions that are enmeshed with spiritual attachments that are inducing the craving cycle for the addictive substances.

Some Abductees are coaxed into drug addiction through the Astral Plane dreamscapes, and it has been documented that injection of these substances have been administered by entities on the astral during sleep state, in order to promote addictive controls or pavlovian conditioning in the waking state. Many times the person is being behaviorally conditioned that drug use is cool, hip or expanding to Consciousness, when it is actually setting up Consciousness Traps on the astral plane.

Drugs used in ritual can be considered a form of Black Magic. Consciousness altering substances used during rituals are used in order to contact non-human intelligences, of which most of the time are very low level spirits, demonics and reptilians. Drug use allows the astral manipulation of the subject through the lowering of their lightbody frequency to levels that vibrationally connect with that particular type of entity. Drug use in the astral, or using drugs to connect ones consciousness with the Astral Plane, allow for easy latch on by all kinds of Energetic Parasites.

All addictions or regular use of any kind of consciousness altering substance, whether alcohol, Marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, MDMA or the many labbed substances used today in the clubbing environments, can lower the persons frequency to such level they can be manipulated through spiritual Attachments, parasites, Possessions or taken over by a reptilian entity that uses the body as a host. Any drug use is not advised, and if necessary it is suggested to be highly alert and cautioned, especially now during the high risk environment on planet earth during the current War Over Consciousness.

It is noted that people that have endured severe trauma based mind control like SRA and are in severe physical pain, that some drugs can be helpful during the therapeutic state of intending to heal deep spiritual Trauma and address painful memories. However, drug use for therapeutic means should be temporary water wings and not made a permanent crutch, which sets up long term addictive states. Addictions severely weaken the Lightbody and lower the overall fundamental frequency of the consciousness and body.

A major goal of the aggressive Social Engineering programs on the earth is conditioning Learned Helplessness into the public. Learned Helplessness is a behavior typical of a human or animal that occurs when an animal endures repeatedly painful and negative stimuli, which it is unable to escape or avoid. After being saturated repeatedly in painful and negative experiences, the person often fails to learn, and fails to understand how to change their responses in ways that would be more positive for them. In other words, the person has learned that he or she feels helpless in situations where there is a presence of painful and negative stimulation, and has accepted that he or she has lost total control, and thus gives up trying to do anything to change it. Many times this self-defeating mental attitude leads to recreational drug use and habitual partying, in order to escape the feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, which falls into the cycle of pain in the problem-reaction-solution mind control strategy of the Controllers. They want you to feel overwhelmed in so that you will take drugs to escape or believe a pill is the answer to all your problems.

Discerning Spirits

Most people are unaware there are dark spirits that are assigned certain purposes by the humans and nonhumans who evoke and generate them. We live in a multidimensional world with every kind of spirit force one could imagine. There are Spirits of Drugs, Spirits of Hate, Spirits of Rape, Spirits of Poverty, and Spirits of Pedophilia. We do not want to communicate directly with these lower spirits around us unless we are extremely spiritually strong and qualified to perform deliverance (transiting). Most of these collective forces of spirits were earthly humans once, who over time were bound to a specific consciousness themes, like addiction, from their own repeated actions of committing the same while they were in a earthly body. It is important to comprehend that absolutely everything on the planet has some type of Consciousness or spirit. When you observe it operating en masse in the world, then it means there is a type of consciousness spirit behind that action and it has an energetic quality. There are dark spirits, there are those inbetween, and there are truth and light spirits.

Many of these lower spirits are manipulated and embodied by people on the earth plane. This is the nature of consciousness, consciousness is energy, energy has a quality of intelligence and frequency, so it is important to discern the nature of spirit forces around us. What kind of spiritual force is in drugs? To determine and research the energetic intelligence factor in any drug, including the intention of how it was produced and for what purposes, as well as comprehending how pyschoactive drugs reroute neurological impulses and brain functioning, is important to consider when observing the world wide social acceptance and the aggressive promotion of drug use being pushed out in any age group and setting. It becomes clear when looking at the global problem of drug and substance abuse, that addictions and drug dependence is responsible for spreading more human suffering and misery that is rampant in the world today.

Fear Tactics

This might be of help to understand the most common fear tactics used by the dark forces to manipulate and distract the light workers into believing some kinds of drugs are positive for enhancing consciousness. Drugs are frequency matched to the areas in the Astral Plane. The Astral Plane is a convoluted area with a very low state of overall consciousness, that promotes Astral Bliss states like delusions, fantasies, addictions, and scattered and incoherent thinking.

1. Astral body infiltrations: Lots of light workers get stuck in the astral world, a Phantom Matrix this is not an enlightened plane, these are delusions and fantasies that they believe to be true; this is from a lack of understanding of their spiritual selves and lack of discernment that scrambles their inner compass. In the earlier stages of awakening, some people get addicted to the Astral Plane and do not want to leave it.

2. Projecting holographic inserts of Artificial Machinery into a persons energy body to impact the mental and emotional reactions, or projecting inserts into the levels of the astral body during dream state, is done to manipulate the person’s perceptions and belief systems. This is another level of Mind Control manipulation. People can have mind control implants urging them to take drugs.

3. Using people’s shadow or pain body, also called the Negative Form and the residue energy of unhealed pain to create confusion in order to further manipulate the person. The negative form is a type of negative karma buildup or Miasma that is extracted as a splinter or negative projection from our simultaneous incarnations where we had a trauma or painful event happen in another timeline. That event can be used against us to manipulate the present time. This is especially so when a person keeps repeating negative patterns and archetypes and is not learning from their spiritual lessons. The NAA create burdens of superimposed karma that make it feel extremely dense to the light worker, the trauma of this pain weighs heavily on the light worker and they may not know where this burden is coming from and they want to escape from it. To find the burden we carry, we must know our spiritual lessons, and answer the call to improve self mastery.

4. Using painful memories from other life times or in the current life time to create pain, archetypal dramas and chaos to further control the direction of the person, many times showing up in other people in our environment. Maybe to bond with others and feel socially accepted by them, we join in the drug taking like everyone else. It takes personal strength to say no.

5. Using isolation techniques, victimizing or defamation of the character so the person is singled out and feels dejected. This happens a lot in the spiritual leadership areas as the dark entities do not want strong, effective and unifying spiritual leaders or communities based on unified cooperation.

6. Acting out deceptions for producing the set up for abandonment and betrayal scenarios within the closer family relationships and intimate or sexual relationships. Abandonment and betrayal is a massively painful primal fear of separation for all people, so the NAA capitalizes on emotionally torturing people to play out these betrayal scenarios, over and over again for their enjoyment and to harvest the negative emotional energy. Many of these show up as alien love bite relationships that the people involved were mind controlled through their own unhealed pain, to believe were long term positive spiritual relationships, like twin flame unions, etc. The pain of betrayal can be so severe, that the desperation to escape it through partying with others happens in the guise of creativity and play.

7. Possession of unstable personalities and their energy bodies for the use of directiing dark forces to inflict harm on self and others. Unstable persons can be used as portals for dark force use, many times the person is driven by their own pain and compulsions, unaware they are feeding negative energy that is directed to harm or destabilize others around them. Unstable people usually have a big unhealed pain body, and are generally totally unaware of their energetic influence in the environment or upon others, oblivious to the dark forces they are feeding and generating.

8. Believing the use of drugs or consciousness altering substances is actually defining positive spiritual development, and is responsible for consciousness enhancement, when it impairs bio-neurological functioning, altering perception, and scrambling the inner guidance system. The NAA and Controllers promote recreational and prescription drug use in every shape and form, period. They know they can completely control your bio-neurology and brain waves if you become dependent on any kind of drug that influences your nervous system, brain, mirror neurons and brain waves. Drugs are used as carrier waves for mind control transmissions directed towards the central nervous system. This includes nanites and other metals put into vaccinations and flu shots.

People that are mentally and emotionally unstable, tend to be disconnected from their inner core and spiritual self and tend to escape into using recreational drug substances. They may have a dominating ego and if they cannot control the situation, they may go into a control oriented temper tantrum, and at this point the person is extremely vulnerable to dark possession or excessive levels of Mind Control and splitting behaviors. Many of these negative behaviors are spiritually abusive behaviors that are called Archontic Deception Behaviors.To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and to realize that all drug use, including ritual drug use supposedly for the purpose of consciousness enhancement, is promoted and marketed by the Controllers. There are no shortcuts, we all must do the inner pain body healing work and dedicate some effort towards expanding our consciousness.

Learn to recognize what you are exactly looking at in the outer world and trust inner feelings, do not run away or hide from feeling fear. Facing fear and shadow honestly is how you overcome it and build spiritual strength.

Question negative beliefs or self defeating attitudes that promote helpless feelings, call it out for what it is non-judgmentally and change it internally to practice and demonstrate GSF Behaviors in the day to day. Be informed and aware of the pitfalls we face as human beings in these chaotic times of transformation, and stay away from casual drug use, taking drugs only when it is absolutely medically necessary.

I AM the Power, Master and Cause of My Emotions.

I AM the Power, Master and Cause of My Mind.

I AM Comfortable with my Body, Within and Without.

I AM Integrated, Whole and Balanced.

I AM Responsible for Choices that are for my Greater Purpose. I AM in Flow with Life.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – NAA Promote Drug Use, Learned Helplessness, GSF Behaviors)
