( ( ( : N A M A S T E : ) ) )
Interpretation By C h e y e n n e
It is the deepest form of respect….An acknowledgment of
ourselves in time after millions of years and all who have
come and greeted each other….Submit ourselves to
something greater…..That has sent us here to become
as one with each other in spirit…Here in the material world
we call it love ……It is a love that surpasses all time itself.
And what we were created in and with
N a m a s t e
– Cheyenne –
P. S .
Thank’s Christophe ;
For making me think about its meaning
Originally shared by christophe rosse
christophe rosse
All Good then. …..
United in Thought. …
As ONE. …..Chris
cheyenne Flexrecords
( ( ( : N a m a s t e : ) ) )