Hi my friend, let’s create miracles on this Manifesting Monday!

Hi my friend, let’s create miracles on this Manifesting Monday!

Hi my friend, let’s create miracles on this Manifesting Monday!

The picture in this post is created in a specific form of sacred geometry that supports you with manifesting more of your desired intentions! After writing what you’d like to manifest in the comments section below, take a moment and just view the picture. This will magnify the effect of your manifestation.Then, express gratitude to the Universe for the blessings about to come your way, and if you feel guided, s h a r e this post so others will have the opportunity to do the same!

Something very special happens when 2 or more gather together and share their desired manifestations in a group setting. They actually come to life more quickly!

By coming together in group consciousness and holding the space of “YES” for each others manifestations, we create a powerful vortex for them to show up much more quickly.

Also, when we hold the space for someone else, we MAGNIFY the blessings in our own life too.

Please s h a r e your desired vision/manifestation by commenting it below. Then, take moment to read a few of the other comments and hold the space of “YES, I see this for you too.”

Here’s the Manifesting Formula:

Step 1: Open up with an affirmative/empowered statement such as “I am, I have, I create, I affirm, I choose, I now step into, etc…”

These statements immediately begin anchoring our desired manifestations into the present moment.

Some phrases we want to stay away from are: “I want or I need,” because they keep our manifestations just out of reach.

Step 2: Share desired manifestation.

Step 3: Magnify the statement with “This or something greater & so it is!”

This final statement opens us up to receiving our blessings without having to be limited to the specifics of the how, where, when, who, why’s that usually block us from actually attracting what we’d like to experience.

So here is my desired manifestation for this week:

I am loving and nourishing myself unconditionally with ease. This allows me to naturally continue to do the same for all those that I encounter . This or something greater, and so it is!

Now, it’s your turn to share my friend. What would you like thousands of amazing friends across the world, including myself to envision with you?

Give yourself permission to receive this kind of love and support.

Over the coming days and weeks ahead, begin to be mindful of how the Universe brings into your life your desired manifestation