Children Sold by Government Authorities?
Originally shared by TioS News Organization
Children Sold by Government Authorities?
Millions of children were estimated to have been sold by government authorities, or even their own parents, into slavery and Sexual Prostitution along our US/Mexican Border. The obvious lack of girls in US immigrant detention facilities was suspected to be due to after, or even prior to reaching the border, children were trafficked for sex, mind control and eventually, for their organs.
President Trump’s first official act the morning right before he was sworn in, was to visit CIA headquarters, where he began a crackdown on international child trafficking. This was a huge problem inherited by Trump. Evidently even today, Trump has not been able to handle the rampant pedophile problem embedded within the US political arena including the CIA, FBI and Homeland Security.
On page 324 of the recently released IG Report it said that an FBI Case Agent discovered an email from Hillary Clinton that referenced child trafficking, but he was told, “We can’t be looking at this.”
Page 294 of that same report detailed a meeting between FBI Director Coleman and James Comey that mentioned HRC (Hillary Rodman Clinton), Crimes Against Children and 675,000 Clinton emails that were on the Anthony Weiner computer. Either Coleman or Comey were told, “We can’t be looking into this.”
Last month the Department of Homeland Security refused Oregon Democrat Senator Merkley entry into an immigrant child retention facility in Brownsville Texas. Authorities called police and wouldn’t even speak to the Senator. “The tiniest kid at the front of the line, he was knee-high to a grasshopper. He was 4, maybe 5 years old” Merkley said.
Around June 8 a suspected Child Sex Trafficking Camp was discovered near Tucson Arizona, yet Arizona police, State Patrol and federal agents saw no need to investigate. A Veterans group had found and photographed evidence of child sex trafficking such as restraints chained to trees, toys next to used condoms and small holes dug into the dirt only big enough to contain a child. Tucson legal entities refused to investigate the find, plus the vet group was refused access back to the property. A day later the group was able to video some bulldozers covering up evidence that they had reported to Tucson legal entities – the same who refused to investigate.
Subsequent videos placed on the internet showed houses along a border trail in the middle of nowhere with painted kids rooms that were fully set up with $100,000 generators and sensor cameras. One video showed black smoke from several fires evidently started by the “law.” In a house they found marked maps showing more public and private land locations for child trafficking – at least a dozen across a few mountains. “It looked like the police were being paid to look away,” an informant said.
Over a year ago a Child Trafficking Scandal “Tucson-Gate” was suspected to have linked child trafficking to the Clintons, Tucson Arizona Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and Casa de Los Ninos children’s shelter. Evidently the IG Report found thousands of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop concerning the Clinton Foundation and their Crimes Against Children – that have yet to find the Main Stream Media. In 2013 Barack Obama separated 72,410 children from their illegal immigrant parents who were deported.
Minnesota parents have been concerned about that foster care system. They were suing to shut down child protective services for not protecting children. Survivors of child abuse nationwide have expressed the same concerns about perpetrators being approved as caregivers and receiving foster children for the express purpose of child exploitation
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Are Governments Still Abusing Children in Mind-control Experiments?
According to victims and two Congressional hearings on human experimentation, the CIA has trafficked children for sex and torture since it’s inception after World War II when it brought mind control experts from Nazi Germany into the US, Canada, Australia and the UK.