Coffee & Thoughts

Originally shared by Mac Vogt
Coffee & Thoughts
The most reliable thing we’ve got
sheer invention.
I won’t have this body for long. I’m afraid of elegance without imagination. As old as newspaper clippings. See to it my children grow up in a rich media environment.
and all the while, I attempt at dreams.
I believe it to be the most important thing.
the most important thing. I believe in belief itself
breakfast, to this reflection I recite a perfectly alien language which, through a kind of refraction, gains the scaly clarity of poetry, totally frustrating and damn near exhausting. Of poetry.
I believe in coffee, that too. Ah fuck it, at least.
Of poetry.
Of course, my dear, I tried
didn’t I?
Yet still I couldn’t short-circuit.
I only grew more powerful — wait
still! Robbed of agency. Tricked
into eating
fifty or so grams of sodium.
I looked to my father for advice
lost his elegance. Then, I lost mine.
Not one leg to stand on between us both.
My throat was dry.
That’s how I’ll retire from the cafe
falling down the stairs.
I’m sorry, I’m speaking now
into the one-way wall, aiming
I’ve got a filter on, aiming
at the future like some rotten piece of everyday