Originally shared by Kevin Walsh
noun age9
a gypsy….a traveler not found in
clothing closets nor behind store windows.
an enormous and lonesome train
dismantled car by car
like the cages unable to bind falling stars,
i’ve become a wanderer of sidewalks
and carpets and stairs.
a soul lost in the riches of present realities
rather than the promise of future rewards.
a lasting silence flowing between my fingers
awaits the directional flow of grey feet on white
moonlike pages…..
I discovered a still ticking clock
inside the rotting trunk
of an old maple tree,
like something liberated from my home town.
I was eight before I turned nine.
I sat in a tree under the evening sky
watching lunar eclipses
I once watched from the windows of taxi cabs
as I flew from one meeting to the next.
I wore a tie,
actually the tie wore me…
it wore me down.
now I wear a trunk
and enormous gray feet steeped
in dirt and squished flowers.
(thank you Marcelo Risso, and my sister Tamrico :))))