
Originally shared by cheyenne Flexrecords
( I N S I G H T S )
I n t o
– cheyenne –
Now I go a little deeper into sharing my journey, as I perceived
the spiritual shift that bought about the epiphany of my self being
more then a body ( but again let me digress). It was always
hard for me to finish a book having as a child dyslexia, you
learn how to navigate through it, so for me the first miracle
was to not only finish the course but with a total comprehension
beyond words but also have the didactic ability . As an artist I
found I had clairvoyant abilities in viewing the world around me,
at times it is a double edged sword.
I learned to function in the world without really being
part of it. (enough about me). The course came to me first in
book form which I found the experience quite personal, as
mentioned by the books author a helper revealed revelations
in the form of, if I had a question it was answered… I have found
that some people have a problem with how do you know your
not being contacted by a malicious spirit….I say to them because
of the results lead me into freedom…Malicious spirits by their
very nature imprison you. I was not a child and spiritually
astute enough to know the difference, I began to see that
Miracles do not have to be huge events, they can be extremely
subtle but powerful nevertheless and as I moved through to
the exercises in challenging my perception of the solidity of
the material world I began to experience the ephemeral nature
of matter and was a little more free to open up my concepts.
What was referred to in the book as ego introduced
itself in the form of distraction ( again let me digress )
My then idea of the word ” ego ” was a psychological term,
I then thought of as a form of my personality I will go as far
as to say I then believed it strengthen you but as I was to move
I would view its ephemeral nature as quite insidious and separate
from my true self. One thing I can say in hindsight it does not
want to be seen and has many tricks to maintain its anonymity.
Its survival depends on you believing it is you, because if you
do, you’ll protect its hidden control over you….Prepare yourself
without emotion for this insight, for its fuel is fear, doubt, lies
distraction, distortions, and when it feels threatened its
out and out treachery will reveal itself. You can see how early
on I said if you are spiritually astute you will know.
(Heres an exercise)
The next time you are on the verge of a positive change
watch something try and block or steal the results…It may come
in the form of a dialogue in your head (saying) You’ll never make
it, you can’t do that, who do you think you are ??? or someone you
trust may to say this to you, this is just one example. There are
a hundred and one ways it can play out its scenarios of doubt.
It has nothing but hate and time and eternity…
Dr.M Scott Peck, M.D.
said in his then last book ,” Glimpses of the Devil ” written just
before his death ( He said ) Now I know through every clinical
trial of every patient I have ever seen, I was in the midst of
a maleficent spirit ( the devil ) More later!!!
– Cheyenne –
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