Note ; Happy Anniversary

Note ; Happy Anniversary

Note ; Happy Anniversary


            T   H  E     W   E  D  D  I  N  G

Originally shared by cheyenne Flexrecords

Note : T H E – W E D D I N G Couple # 2 Jamie & Nikki

 This is Nikki… Again I’ll  introduce you at her beautiful wedding

 Nikki then model marries jamie..I’ll put up some of her modeling 

 Photographs.. I like to intrude you to people you wouldn’t ordinarily

Watch because it is there we find our true selves

     P. S . In the movie ..The Way We Were With Barbara Streisand

     Theres a line in the movie when she says..I want to be a sadie

      There is a reply ….What is a sadie ? She replays ..Its a married

      Lady …So whenever someone gets married I loving call them

      A sadie

                      ” sadie Sadie Married Lady “

                            Your Love is  “KING”