Responsibility is almost identical with duty, a duty, a responsibility you have to fulfill to others, family,…

Responsibility is almost identical with duty, a duty, a responsibility you have to fulfill to others, family,…

Originally shared by Alok Bodhi

Responsibility is almost identical with duty, a duty, a responsibility you have to fulfill to others, family, country, job, you name it.

And did we ever learn to take responsibility, especially taking responsibly for ourselves, our own actions? Most likely not, from early childhood we are told what to do and what not to do…

“I teach you not to be responsible to anybody; the father, the mother, the country, the religion, the party line – don’t be responsible to anybody. You are not. Just be responsible to yourself. Do whatsoever you feel like doing. If it is wrong, the punishment will immediately follow. If it is right, the reward will follow immediately, instantly. There is no other way.”

– Osho –