? Beyond the Darkness 4/26/2017 – The Unseen Hand A New Exploration of Poltergeist Phenomena:

? Beyond the Darkness 4/26/2017 – The Unseen Hand A New Exploration of Poltergeist Phenomena:

Originally shared by Peter S. López (Che Petá)

? Beyond the Darkness 4/26/2017 – The Unseen Hand A New Exploration of Poltergeist Phenomena:

Secrets World https://youtu.be/8aLE3shhgsk Pub April 26, 2017

~via Secrets World


#Connect: @Peta_de_Aztlan:



? Plans for Middle East- Gen. Wesley Clark, @DemocracyNow! Interview, 2007: https://youtu.be/nTHNjK1W9z4 Pub Feb 9, 2017

~via @WikiLeaks


? We’re on our own! via @Peta_de_Aztlan:

https://youtu.be/QcSjJU_JYTU Pub April 25, 2017

via @Peta_de_Aztlan:



https://youtu.be/EoC2dkWMgso Pub April 25, 2017

~via @ProjectCamelot


? Craig Hemke-Markets Held Together With Electronic Bailing Wire & Digital Chewing Gum:

https://youtu.be/IbwptXJEmuw Pub April 25, 2017

~via @USAWatchdog: aka Greg Hunter


? Coast To Coast AM – April 24th, 2017 – Earthquake Prediction/ Color & #Spirituality:

https://youtu.be/gR0n9smIds8 Pub April 25, 2017

~via Secrets World


? Why Ancient Civilizations Built Pyramids around the World:

https://youtu.be/04ZtcizQDVg Pub March 6, 2017

~via Ancient Secret Discoveries


? How An Advanced Ancient Civilization Disappeared from the Earth:

https://youtu.be/A0d8A5zuC5I Pub March 6, 2017

~via Ancient Secret Discoveries w/Graham Hancock


? The Suppressed History of Planet Earth:

https://youtu.be/Hz1gDx7Z9GY Pub Feb 28, 2017

~via Ancient Secret Discoveries


? Forbidden History they Would Rather You Didn’t Know About:

https://youtu.be/vDmosJI6b2Q Pub Feb 21, 2017

~via Ancient Secret Discoveries w/ Jim Marrs


? Forbidden Knowledge The “Cover Up” of Our Extremely Ancient Origins:

https://youtu.be/hbjYpuUM5IM Pub Feb 22, 2017

~via Ancient Secret Discoveries

