Sex Between The Sexes In The New World Order!

By Cheyenne 2o19

(Special -Note )

There was a time as a society we didn’t talk about passing our bodies around as if they were no better than toilet paper for someone’s use. Discarding the life tricking forth as Gods reduced to excrement for our toilets.’ God ‘ help it if it survives left to be raised by illusions in fatherless

loveless homes without knowledge, insight, or foresight we are not prepared for… Where beauty is reduced to whatever outfit, the color of hair and make-up is purchased for the night, the idea of wealth bought as easy as Louis Vuitton. Where men find comfort and solace on the

down-low in each other’s arms. This being the dream of that renegade ( Aleister Crowley ) planned for our lives in the version of his demented concepts of a world ( Do whatever thy wilt ) Where ‘NO ONE ‘. Knows our ass from our elbows,never-the-less what love is.

Come, Ye, out of the hells gutter of his design by the illusions we are alive… We are no more alive than wet clothes hung out to dry no wants to wear anymore…In need of the revelation resurrecting us back to  the eternal life of our creation,

To The Reader, We became friends first then family. ' I ' took out the time to cultivate what ' I 'hoped to be 'A' lasting relationship, in which ' I ' freely gave everything...Those of you who know me now know that' I ' believe as you give you receive. With Google moving in ' A ' new direction so was ' I ' forced too! ' I ' humbly need and ask for your support in this daunting new adventure with you. It entails my dream of meeting you in the flesh, inviting you to my events as always. talking about our life's dreams interpreting them as ' I ' experience life as an artist' through fashion, interiors, and 'A' polite conversation about the world around us in ' A' thoughtful, truthful, dignified way. May 'I' add, to all you who are just meeting me. First and Foremost 'A' grateful " BIG HELLO '' I have been waiting all my life to take this adventure with ' A thirsty traveler and you the replenishment. ((( THE DREAM AND THE JOURNEY ARE ' ONE ' ))) Love Cheyenne.