” T h e A R T of T h e T E E N – R O O M “

” T h e A R T of T h e T E E N – R O O M “
With the teen-room ” i ” believe in introducing how a room can be lived in..
Gone are the toys of childhood that have been neatly packed away replaced
by pictures of young love and the ideas of a dream fast arriving.
Clothes, books and dreams opening to a new day…platforming a space will give several spaces at once ” i ‘ sleep here….” i ” dress there ” i ” do my homework here and over there ” i ” entertain ! our new play blocks are ideas of how to
build our world where everything that suggest this is my first home away from home !
” i ” love to add trees built into a platform theres nothing like awakening to a tree
and the sound of a water feature encompassing you.If done right our teen can
transplant everything into his first true adult apartment…
The story of our lives are played out in our spaces and theres nothing like
the ones we remembered of our youth.
Originally shared by ????? ?????