” There is ‘No’ Time Like The Present “

Covid has changed how we move in the world, a shift from then to now in how what we perceive what is important and who we have around us becomes crystal clear.

‘ I ‘ have a saying of look for those that are looking for you and never ever run after anyone that couldn’t or wouldn’t do the same. There you will  find your tribe,

those that not only hear and see you but are moving in the same direction. It has taken me some time in finding the team ‘ I ‘ needed to build this website and we are almost

there……….STAY TUNED

To The Reader, We became friends first then family. ' I ' took out the time to cultivate what ' I 'hoped to be 'A' lasting relationship, in which ' I ' freely gave everything...Those of you who know me now know that' I ' believe as you give you receive. With Google moving in ' A ' new direction so was ' I ' forced too! ' I ' humbly need and ask for your support in this daunting new adventure with you. It entails my dream of meeting you in the flesh, inviting you to my events as always. talking about our life's dreams interpreting them as ' I ' experience life as an artist' through fashion, interiors, and 'A' polite conversation about the world around us in ' A' thoughtful, truthful, dignified way. May 'I' add, to all you who are just meeting me. First and Foremost 'A' grateful " BIG HELLO '' I have been waiting all my life to take this adventure with you...like ' A thirsty traveler and you the replenishment. ((( THE DREAM AND THE JOURNEY ARE ' ONE ' ))) Love Cheyenne.