
Originally shared by free spirit gypsy soul
if they are truly divine L?VE – then they will not leave your side.
they will desire to watch you grow from start to finish
and if they do wander off… you must let them.
because you GOT THIS!
become the strength that you know you ARE.
someone is waiting to come into your life to watch you become the beautiful butterfly you are meant to be…..WITH them.
you will stand by each other’s side and grow together. transform. transcend.
and you won’t have to ask them to stand by your side… they just will.
because they desire to.
because their days are better with you.
they are better because of you. and you are better because of them.
because you enhance each other. complete each other.
so my loves…. continue saving your SELF’s
your energy… your vibrations… your intentions that you are manifesting…
will bring to you the exactly the people and experiences you need to save yourself.
they will gravitate to you by matching your vibrations.
eventually you will bring to you the one who is meant for you.
the one who wants to stand by your side for eternity.