
Special Note ;
After reading this you will understand when your told in the
future because of the scarcity of water, whoever is now
polluting the water and buying up the rights to something that
is God given and free that sustains our life, you know pay for it and
even collecting rain water will be illegal
After thought ;
When you realize such an undertaking happens years in advance
don’t you think ‘”Republicans & Democrats ” have to be aware
of such undertakings. . . ? ? ? Can you see how we and future
generations are being sold out by both parties And how elections
under such a scenario are being reduced to political buffoonery when the media that we trust with political insight for our futures are asking softball questions to Mr. Trump like, how do you feel about women. Where were the serious questions ..??? As you and I are learning about this on YouTube they have already orchestrated this along with other devious schemes…??? I think we don’t think we as a nation understand what a dangerous precipice
we at and how the decisions we are making or are being made in
the dark without our full knowledge will change not only history but the world as we know it…We are all in the same boat going down
and if we don.t wake up fast, we will find ourselves one day…
swimming for our lives…The politicians that we allegedly elect to do
their job serious need to start doing it honestly
– Cheyenne –
Originally shared by cheyenne Flexrecords