H e
– cheyenne –
2 o 1 5
Originally shared by Mac Vogt
Hey everyone!
I’ve heard G+ is making a comeback, so I’m experimentally diving deep in to see what comes of it. So far I like what I see and I’m going to lurk about some more to get a handle on things. Anyone who cares to answer: how’s the G+ experience been for poetry and for life?
If all goes well, you’ll get to know my poetic sensibilities. Eastern thought, neurophilosophy, music, dance, film, fiction, critical theory and analysis all influence me greatly. Tomas Transtromer, Andrei Tarkofsky, DFW, Dean Young, Ben Lerner, Octavio Paz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Thomas Metzinger, Gil Fronsdal, Ursula K Leguin, Tracy K Smith — all these wonderful minds, my most current and dominant inspirations.
And of course, The Great Rush of the Internet. Can’t get away from that.
My interest in poetry began as a reaction against pop culture, specifically cinema culture. Poetry refuses to sell and so its spirit, to me, is the hard counter to consumer-driven art, the antidote to my training in cinema. Shame, because I wanna be rich, but I can’t help be driven away by it all.
I’ve found the practice and study of poetics demands of me ever more finer grained nuance (similar to mindfulness meditation…) It works out the backbone of perception until the prickling of new nerves; they push out and up. But always the practice is as endlessly challenging and enigmatic as being human. I am constantly failing…
And with that, I’ve probably written an official too much dude, chill for a second. Ah well. Anyways, you’ll probably see me attempting satisfying feedback for poems, linking to things that at least I find compelling, and learning many new things from all of the great people here.
Here’s me smiling warmly at you!