What a waste of a beautiful, young spirit.

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What a waste of a beautiful, young spirit. She was and is beautiful inside and out. She Was A Strong Supporter Of Bringing Immigrant To Sweden, Yet This Was Her Fate By Brendan | January 12, 2016
She was a member of the “We Like Diversity” Facebook page, called herself “multicultural” and a supporter of Third-world immigration into Sweden, the country of her birth.
Maybe in those last few moments of life, she changed her mind about a few things, as if it made any difference.
On that day, Elin and her Young Male African Immigrant Killer were riding the same tram to the Hisingen neighbourhood in Sweden.
Shortly thereafter Krantz was found raped and murdered in a wooded area not far from the tram stop.
Her 23-year-old Young Male African Immigrant (who supposedly once lived in the US) killer was arrested shortly after the killing. He was charged with murder and aggravated rape. According to the prosecutors, the attack was one of “EXTREME RUTHLESSNESS.”
The Young Male Mercenary Immigrants are mainly from Africa, NOT SYRIA. Usually black. NOT MUSLIM. Usually rude, aggressive and uneducated.
Please SHARE this everywhere to raise awareness of this horrific crime. The mainstream media tries to portray these ‘Young Male Immigrants’ as a peaceful and freedom-loving people, but that’s just not the case at all. They are hired Mercenaries to overwhelm the EU. Hired to rape, destroy, cause death and destruction from the inside of the Europe.
These Young Male Immigrants are Paid Mercenaries by the george soros organization. None of these Young Male Immigrant Mercenaries are Muslims. They are poor, desperate, criminal people. People who could not make it in their own countries. People who are promised things, by the soros organization, the host countries can not possibly deliver. They are told it is not illegal to rape the women.
george soros has the corporate main stream media claiming these Young Male Immigrants are Muslim Refugees. NOT TRUE. Muslim and non Muslim Refugee Families are in need of help and a host country. They are families fleeing the disasters, death and destruction of their home country caused by the USA, israHELL, Saudi, and the so called Country ‘Allies.’ Our misguided and mislead military people are attacking these peaceful countries who have done nothing to deserve such death and destruction raining down upon them. The least we can do is help these innocent refugee families by taking them in.
There is a big difference between the Young Male Mercenary Rapist Immigrants and the Families of Refugees in need of help because the USA and her ‘Allies’ are bombing their home country. Please Know the Difference between Mercenary Male Immigrants and Refugee Families. The Mercenaries are all Young Males, ‘men’. The Refugees are people, FAMILIES in need of help.
RIP Dear Humanitarian Elin. Thank you for your efforts to make a difference in this world. God bless you dear heart and God bless your family and loved ones who miss you so very much. I am sorry for their loss.
cheyenne Flexrecords
Hello Josh ;
What a shame….Thank’s for the back story
it helped her come alive to me…Whatever
happened to her could and will happen everywhere, if the danger is not fully understood, a sobering reality that should
be a wake – up call for all concerned citizens
L o L
– Cheyenne –
Abu Shamuel
Very bad
cheyenne Flexrecords
We are all being orchestrated against
one another, while a few run off with
the Riches of every Nation