Originally shared by King Johnny
FACEBOOK CLOSED MY ACCOUNT.. FOR THIS LAST POST. FIGHT BACK FOR WHAT’S RIGHT, FIGHT BACK FOR AMERICAN GIs, FIGHT BACK FOR CHRIST SAKE GOD DAMN EVERYONE. DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO ILLEGALLY SILENCE ME TELLING THE TRUTH. Facebook is now an accessory to these most heinous of wicked war crimes. Don’t care?.. You’d better. All I demand, is not to be cheated a fair say. Facebook tells, due security issues, my account needs to be verified. They have my passport, and phone number already. Refusing to obey their own rules they tell We the People they enforce. They tell, press this button, and we’ll phone you for a code.. But they never do. There is no customer service.. they believe they must not be held to any accountability. This must change, and it must change now. I demand my account be reopened immediately. I demand charges of accessory to mass murdering Americans, by fairly leveled against all senior staff involved in stopping my wise words from freely being expressed. I am committing no crime by telling the truth.
Atheists are here to harm Your child, they are here to steal Your life:
A real witch of unprecedented evil – CAUGHT!
From “Religion, Science & Politics”
This group is near entirely super evil Atheists who will to mass murder our families.. refusing to allow US to defend children from being poisoned with their lies they are caught here naked with.. and they’ll tell you as anyone, they simply don’t care for the likes of you or me, or any child in between. Venus Galgenberg would goad me with the Admin to insult her as the demon witch she still is, after proving to her fairly, Atheists are irrational, as unscientific. Why? so then, she would remove her offensive remarks, and with the Admin, censor my revelatory observations..She wars not only me as truth teller, but all peoples she wills to not hear the good news. Think of all the other potential victims to these naked whores of Satan..
This following is only a partial transcript.. 50% of what is missing, is Atheists screaming PROVABLE lies of what they truly oppose. We the People treated fair, speaking free, being honorable.
John Kinal – Atheists, as defined, as irrational. No one can prove God doesn’t exist, Plus, they are universally super evil as false accusing bigots to boot straight to hell. Can you name a single honorable Atheist anywhere in history, that doesn’t war our world as pure wicked demon evil, LIARS blaming God or the religious for crimes, instead of actual bad guys? Anti-American are the bigot whores of Satan, who will to criminally assault our newborns.
Scott Seitz – Then you believe I am a god? Prove am not.
Venus Galgenberg – My husband is a good guy. Loves his family, loves to fish, does his job, doesn’t hurt anyone.
[she’s a treasonous grunt, so likely her husband is too in Afghanistan, warring little girls who might be in school, with their demonic false accusations about 9/11 no less.. of which not even one ‘suspect’ was from.]
John Kinal – The truth wins, while liars cheat. No one can prove to themselves there is no God, just cheat to themselves trying to con others for furthering evil. Now, Agnostics, of course, can as are, some of our greatest scientific minds.
Venus Galgenberg – “Right, right. Ignore what I said and keep preaching.”
Jon Kinal – You are a demon liar, right there. I answered you directly, with a claim YOU too, can not dispute.. but will to trick others into being blind and dumb.. to not defend our rights as honorable. or our newborns.
” I know him better than you, and I know his judgment is very accurate, actually. He’s right more often than I am.”
Then, I wrote, “The truth wins, while liars cheat. No one can prove to themselves there is no God, just cheat to themselves trying to con others for furthering evil. Now, Agnostics, of course, can as are, some of our greatest scientific minds.”
Then you, as a NAKED demonic enemy with no where to hide being evil, opposing civility wrote, “Right, right. Ignore what I said and keep preaching.” Demon witch without a care for the INNOCENT LIVES OF OUR NEWBORNS.. Who cares? Exactly.
Venus Galenberg – Oh, you tease..
Venus Galenberg – keep that condemnation going, it turns me on.
[THINK of what she is doing here.. She is caught being evil as irrational, and unscientific.. so sides to have my words removed from view – opposing our humanity, opposing God as naked evil doer.. For once doing this, she then went on with the Admin about not allowing me to continue – BUT removed her last two comments just prior, and the picture of herself, looking like a witch even.. wow…. A real witch of unprecedented evil – CAUGHT! ]
John Kinal – The truth wins, while liars cheat. No one can prove to themselves there is no God, just cheat to themselves trying to con others for furthering evil. Now, Agnostics, of course, can as are, some of our greatest scientific minds.
Venus Galgenberg – I can’t wait until I’m called a dirty whore and sinner. Idol worshiper. lol.
Venus Galgenberg – Wanna see me naked, John? Is that it?
[Think of who she is, to have read my statements, and decidedly replied as she had there. Willing to be evil to all as unjust is her motive..]
Lisa Lynne – All those atheists who have won Nobel Prizes in different fields of science are unscientific? Too funny
John Kinal – Are you blindly alleging, as a proud irrational Atheist enemy of fair measure, that my position is incorrect magically somehow? Do you blindly think, molecular biology teaches us all there is to know about the subject?, so no need for you to learn a damn thing whatsoever? Did you finish high school how about?
John Kinal – Lisa Lynne ” I have a BS in Applied Mathematics and a BA in Quantitative Economics, but they are from University of Wisconsin, so I don’t know if that counts. And no, molecular biology teaches some molecular biology. You will never learn all there is to know about anything”
No, doesn’t count directly.. but it does count for the ‘excuse’ of witnessing wisdom with, ‘word salad’, as it won’t so easily fly in our neighborhood.. However, your familiarity with Economics might prove illuminating, IF you side there too, to not be measured. (maybe later) With your math, I would have you challenged on casinos nakedly stealing billions, to see if once more, you would deny reality for a prettier picture, then with pirate banking and so on..
Molecular biology has had Atheists stumped for almost twenty years now, with what is called, ‘irreducible complexity’, and ‘horizontal gene transfers’. [as like the chicken egg controversy] Now I know, from skimming over this group through the last year or so.. this knowledge of genetics will call on forces, as are witnessed in this post.. to not allow the truth to prevail, from the popular illiterate contingent, because I introduce science that people don’t like.. They don’t disagree, how could they? They just oppose looking provably dumb.. such as yourself on vaccinations.. So I won’t bother myself to write much more, without you first becoming familiar, then maybe you saying something dumb, of which I will fairly rebut without applause. In short form: if you built an engine with 48 individual parts, that were exactly what you were looking for as constructed.. but didn’t know ever how to put it together, it just wouldn’t ever happen by fluke.. But the designs made through DNA, are just this.. Proving forethought in design. Appearing as forethought anyway, from our limited understandings thus far. It is not as Darwin described, one small consecutive step after another [though, one of the greatest scientists ever to this day, Darwin is – simply or his honesty in what he witnessed, as tried to learn from] What do we know? DNA is incredibly complex.. in where every gene has an intimate relationship to all others of the life force chain. Those forces we may never be able to contain as quantified, like too the world of the virus.. There is no money in such study, and a loss to those who poison our foods as GMO. So any University willing to pursue the science, would have their funding cut.
Lisa Lynne “So I won’t bother myself to write much more” — LMGDAO!!!!
[God damn..]
Lisa Lynne – If there was a god, I’d be praying every day that you NEVER become a doctor or a parent
John Kinal Lisa Lynne ” If there was a god, I’d be praying every day that you NEVER become a doctor or a parent” How come blind one?
Lisa Lynne – Because you wouldn’t treat your patients with medications that science discovered. You would tell them to pray.
John Kinal Lisa Lynne “Because you wouldn’t treat your patients with medications that science discovered. You would tell them to pray.” It’s a lie.. a lie you sell to blindly demonize..Good vs. Evil.. we all know how that goes.
Eric Lessard – When priests replace neurosurgery, we can talk.
John Kinal – Who would will to put priests in charge of neurosurgery? Man, you are seriously dumb.. Atheist right? Figures.
Eric Lessard – Facebook really needs a font for sarcasm, because most humans can’t have an upgrade. Figures.
John Kinal – No, you contend there is something not right, and your defense is something silly.. not that you can disagree with the science, because you will to remain an illiterate on the subject we are discussing. .. Atheist, irrational to the end.
Roger Moll – What are you talking about?? Are you confusing the Neoliberal profiteers with the rational, common sense of Athiests?? Sheesh
John Kinal – You can’t prove God doesn’t exist loser. The truth wins.
Christopher Smyth – John Kinal : You can’t “prove” that your god DOES exist. I guess that makes you a loser, too, by your own standard.
John Kinal – Christopher Smyth No, you’re wrong. I’ve already done so, on this post!! But hey, it still doesn’t matter.. I’ll show you.. Look.. if you stated, ‘there are no aliens in the entire unknown universe’.. don’t you think you’d appear dumb to yourself then included?
Christopher Smyth – John Kinal : We’re talking about YOUR god, who you claim has magical powers, like speaking things into existence. So, what makes you think that real magic exists?
John Kinal – Christopher Smyth ” who you claim has magical powers, like speaking things into existence”
Nonsense.. look everyone another Atheist who claims reading is for stupid people. He’ll just make shit up out of nothing, then claim it’s what we believe, without thought to question who we are, or what we stand with.. namely, the truth. ..
Christopher Smyth John Kinal : Why do you lie when you can so easily be caught in your own lie?
“….. But the designs made through DNA, are just this.. Proving forethought in design….” (4 hrs ago).
John Kinal – Christopher Smyth “….. But the designs made through DNA, are just this.. Proving forethought in design….”
It’s called irreducible complexity, and no scientist that speaks of it, calls it, ‘God speaking magic’, it’s verifiable molecular biology. That would have taken you seconds to look up..But apparently that’s too much work for you, when you can just lie to those who will to not be fair either. . .
Seth Fowler – John Kinal, you are about to get banned for your constant insults. If you can’t hold anything resembling a normal conversation without resorting to ad hom attacks, you should probably seek some basic interpersonal skills at your local kindergarten.
John Kinal – You have have made no sound argument against we of reason.. “ad hom attacks” are what you are doing here.. No position you are giving to defend your willing blindness to not face the arguments at hand. Such as Atheism being irrational, or the many positions of science discussed that you are absent of. The talk right above this, is of Christopher Smyth ” who you claim has magical powers, like speaking things into existence”, speaking lies of where we stand as fair minded. Do you have anything to contribute without looking blind to reason?