You Are

Originally shared by Usaid Ali (Poet of Love)
You Are
You are my sunshine
My day beings with you
You are my heart
Pumping blood to my body
You are my night
Protecting me from light
You are my dreams
Accompanying my sleep
You are my energy
That keeps me moving
You are my thoughts
Keeping my mind busy
You are my past
That taught me well
You are my present
That guides me well
You are the flower
With sweetest fragrance
You are the love bird
With sweetest voice
You are the rain
That waters my life
You are the earth
That holds me firm
Your love is strong
Like ancient mountains
Your love is bright
Like a galaxy in dark space
Your love is soft
Like a tender dove
Your love is powerful
Like a furious hurricane
Your love is unique
Like beautiful you
And I give my heart
To beautiful you
Poem & Art © – Usaid 2017